Monday, September 23, 2013

Wedding Invite Update

I had lots of great intentions (and previously blogged about them) to use the fabulous antique typewrite I recently purchased from Goodwill on eBay to send our wedding invitations, along with sending some vintage postcards people could return as our save the dates. I mean, I was literally creating a Pinterest dream!

However, life kinda of got in the way and I just decided to go an easier route and do something online. It also meant we weren't spending hundreds of dollars on invites and postage, were saving some trees and having lower carbon emissions given most of our invites would have been sent abroad and then posted back to us. Also, I realized, I have the postal addresses of a sum total of 2 of my friends! 

I've also been thinking a lot about how Paul and I want this whole wedding thing to be a lot of fun. And how every couple says that. And means it. And then can't seem to manage to make it work. The number of times I've gotten frustrated with Paul because I couldn't get him to look at something to do with the wedding is ridiculous. It always ends with me saying "you just don't care about the wedding!" Wrong. He just doesn't care about thinking about every little detail when he gets home from a long day at work and I ambush him.

So I started to think about how can I ACTUALLY make this wedding fun. And the planning fun. And stop just saying that was my intention and getting caught up in having the perfect Pinterest type wedding. 

So I set about googling funny wedding invites and man are there some odd ones out there. I think my personal favorite is the following:

I mean, fair play to them! Havin' a bit of craic about the whole thing is to be respected! But I'm pretty sure Paul would call off the wedding if I suggested that we do this! And it's not quite "us". 

Even Buzzfeed, usually the source of some good banter, seems to have been bitten by the Pinterest/DIY/Your Invite Sucks Unless It's Super Hard To Do And Original vibe and have the following suggestions for "cute and clever ways to save the date". 

Other websites that claim to have "funny" save the dates, actually just have normal save the dates that they have tagged as "funny" in the hopes of hooking you in. Minted claim to have a "whimsical & funny" section when you google. But I'm pretty sure it's just "whimsical". Which I don't think is ever a word you would use to describe either Paul or myself!

And then I stumbled upon Some Ecards and I finally, finally found something that made me laugh out loud! I mean their wedding invites and cards are just amazing. Having often seen amazing cards posted from this site on Facebook, I wish I had thought of them sooner. As soon as I sent Paul the following ecard as our potential save the date/invitation for his groomsmen, he replied "done". Finally! Something he was excited about, and I was too!

Funny Wedding Ecard: Let's have a Game of Thrones amount of hookers at your bachelor party.
Located here at Someecards

And so the idea of banter ecards was in motion! We ended up bucketing our friends and family into different ecard groups and sending them an email which included the ecard at the top, and our invitation (which I designed spur of the moment last night using a google powerpoint doc!) as an attachment. 

Here are the ecards we sent:

Funny Wedding Ecard: Let's have a Game of Thrones level of hookers at my bachelor party.
To all Paul's groomsmen

Funny Wedding Ecard: It's going to be a great first marriage.Funny Wedding Ecard: We know it would mean a lot to you if our wedding guest list included fewer family members and more hot, horny, single men.Funny Wedding Ecard: We hope our wedding ceremony is the most beautiful twenty minutes between drinks you'll ever experience.Funny Wedding Ecard: You'll be glad to know you'll have a night to rehearse getting blind drunk for the actual wedding reception.
Funny Wedding Ecard: May our wedding end in fewer violent murders than any wedding on Game of Thrones. Funny Wedding Ecard: We hope you're as excited about our wedding as you are for the return of Downton Abbey.

For Paul's mom and aunts!

As I started to compose the emails to send to everyone, I realized I had no idea what wording I would use! We had decided to forego save the dates and just send the actual invite because we need to know numbers and our guests need time to plan their travel to Ireland. I started to google around for ideas on the wording for the email. Anything that went "request the pleasure of so and so's company" was waaayyy too formal for us! And definitely didn't suit the tone of the ecards we were putting in the emails!

After googling for fun wedding invite wording, I came across Off Beat Bride. They had some wording around "asking for the contentment of your company" which I liked more than the usual run of the mill lines but still wasn't rocking my boat. Then I came across a google image of an invite that I loved and happened to actually be for a wedding at Lisnvagh House - our venue! So I decided I was going to take inspiration from it and create our invites. I only had my chromebook at home so I didn't have access to PowerPoint and ended up creating the invites in google docs version of PowerPoint! Paul and I met as consultants at BCG back in 2008 so using PowerPoint to make our invites had a fitting geeky consultant edge to it! 

And here is the final product that we attached the invite:

Our invite! Very different from the original idea of eco friendly paper using an antique typewriter and antique postcards! However, we've gotten a lot of compliments on the originality of our invites and I think they perfectly set the tone for the type of wedding we want to have

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