Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Proposal

We got engaged on Saturday February 16th 2013, on our five year anniversary. Paul brought me to upstate New York to a beautiful old B&B called The Stone House (http://www.hurleystonehouse.com). True to Paul, this wasn't just any old B&B, it was the oldest house that you can stay at in New York state, dating from 1700! 

We rented a car Saturday morning to drive to the B&B. Neither Paul or I are really drivers...! I got my license at the ripe old age of 25 when I learned to drive in Manhattan and Paul hadn't really driven since he passed his test in High School! I was so nervous the whole way up, more concerned about him not crashing than I was about where we were going! Paul suggested going to visit FDR's house along the way but I'd had a crazy few weeks and wanted nothing more than to collapse at the B&B and relax. 

When we pulled up to the B&B, it was gorgeous. Storm Nemo had passed through NY the weekend before and there was snow on the ground. Paul asked me if I wanted to go down to the creek that runs by the B&B but I said no, I wanted to nap! Little did I know that I was delaying the proposal by insisting on a nap!

We checked into the B&B and went up to our room. It had a gorgeous four poster bed and was located in one of the corners of the house. I couldn't have gotten in my pyjamas any quicker if I tried and within two minutes of arriving in the room I was cuddled up in the bed ready for my nap. I don't know how but somehow Paul also napped with me for two hours! He is one cool customer. 

When we woke up it was about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Paul suggested we go down to the creek. My response was to suggest we do it tomorrow because I was warm, comfy and feeling lazy! Ha! God, I had no idea what was coming! I had not allowed myself to hope that he would propose on our anniversary, convincing myself that it was too obvious or that he'd wait until he finished his MBA and we'd moved to Seattle for a while. I remember thinking in the car on the way up that I should text my sister Niamh and say "There's no way he's going to propose in ripped jeans and a lumber jack shirt!"...little did I know!

Paul begged me to go down to the creek so that we at least did something today. "It'll only take 5 minutes". I agreed because I know how much he likes to make the most of every place that we go. I got dressed and followed him outside. 

We had to walk down a little bank covered in snow to get to the creek. It was truly beautiful once there. The water actually forked right by house and all the banks, trees and mountains in the backgrounds were covered in perfectly white snow. Paul and I stood there for about 5 minutes just hugging, chatting a bit and enjoying the view. Then I started to make my way back up to the house. I remember thinking "is it awkward if I say to him on the way back up that this would have been a beautiful spot to propose?"

Our footsteps down to where he proposed

Before the proposal - little did I know!

As I go to make my way back up the bank, Paul asks "don't you want your anniversary present?". I said "sure". With that, he takes a box out of his right jacket pocket, opens it up, gets down on one knee and says "will you marry me?" I was freaking out! I couldn't believe it. I remember saying "oh my god, oh my god" over and over. I hadn't allowed myself to hope for it so when it actually happened, I couldn't comprehend it. It's like I had pushed the thoughts of engagement so far down to avoid disappointment that when it actually happened, my brain couldn't seem to click into gear! My first reaction was "are you sure?" ha! I was so worried he was proposing because he "had to". He said of course he was. He knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me and that he'd waited so long in saying I love you to me, he didn't want to make the same mistake with proposing to me. I said of course yes and he put the most beautiful ring I could ever have imagined on my finger! 

The beautiful ring!
Just after he proposed!

We spent about 20 minutes down by the creek together savoring the moment. I was in shock. I was so happy. He told me that no one knew! He'd emailed (yes emailed!) my parents the night before (when we got home from the pub at 1am) to ask for their blessing! They'd both replied that they were delighted and to call anytime (they're in Malaysia and 12 hours ahead time wise). I can only imagine my mum and dad going to sleep that night knowing at some point a phonecall would come from me that I was engaged. I hope they went to sleep smiling with that thought in their minds. 

We went back up to the house to Skype everyone and tell them the news. The old walls of the house were so thick we didn't get phone reception! Thank God there was internet at the B&B! I read my mum and dad's response to Paul's email and that's when I started to cry. I've never felt so happy!

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