Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Table Settings (updated)

When it comes to table settings, everyone always wants to do something unique. We were at a wedding a few weeks ago that named their tables after different types of pigs! It was cute (and quirky!). For us, given we're leaning so much towards a vintage vibe, I suggested to Paul that we go with the idea of having vintage/antique license plates from different states/countries that mean something to us. I thought this was a good balance between vintage, different and not too girly! Thankfully, he liked the idea - and it's given him a wedding job to take care of that he actually likes!

I went ahead and bought our first vintage license plate on eBay to get us started. I purchased a 1953 vintage New York state license plate from a seller in Connecticut (below) for $8 to get us started! 

I love the rust on it!

Apart from using license plates as our table numbers, I've also been collecting some amazing wire metal pieces from Goodwill. I've collected some gorgeous copper tea pots, trinkets, glasses and general odds and ends. I've collected so many, my friend Bruce remarked that it looked like I had robbed a pirate!

Old tea set
Imagine this but about a 100 items!

Given the vintage vibe overall that we're heading towards, I started to think about table cloths. To hire them, it's about EURO 8 per table cloth or $11 - and could be even more! A Pinterest image of a lace tablecloth caught my eye earlier and I've been searching away on eBay ever since! It's amazing the beautiful, handmade, vintage pieces you can get on eBay! I'm thinking of going for Quaker lace vintage tablecloths. If any of them aren't long enough, I'll layer them over cheaper tablecloths.

Vintage Quaker Lace Tablecloth on eBay

It also got me thinking about napkins. Again, these are about EURO1 or $1.35 to rent each. Instead of doing this, I'm thinking of purchasing some vintage lace napkins online. I've put in a few offers for some on eBay but think it would add such a wonderful authenticity and originality to the whole table setting.

For example, 1925 monogrammed napkins on eBay

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