Tuesday, December 10, 2013

So we bought a house!

In the middle of all the wedding planning, we decided to buy a house! We obviously decided that moving across the country, both changing jobs, getting engaged and planning a wedding wasn't enough to cram into just one year - so we decided we may as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb and bought a house!

It's gorgeous! And we're absolutely delighted with it. Paul's never lived in a house before - he grew up in an apartment on the Upper East Side in Manhattan! Whereas I grew up in the country in Ireland. We come from different worlds but it's very sweet to see his excitement about being a home owner. 

You should have seen his excitement about our mailbox - he's never had one before! On our first day in the house, we met our postlady and he was so excited to find out how the whole thing works. "Do you put up the red flag when we have mail?" Ha! The postlady thought he was a bit special and her parting words were "I wouldn't let him go anywhere on his own"! 

So since we bought the house, I've been keen to upgrade it in some affordable ways. We'd love to re-do the kitchen and make it open plan and to also overhaul the bathroom (which is the ugliest I've ever seen - why so much counter space and the tiniest shower in the world?) but we can't afford it this year with the wedding. 

I'll detail some of the projects on other posts but here are some pictures of the house :-)

Our first house! 

Panda enjoying his new back yard


  1. I love that you used SUCH an Irish phrase "may as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb". Completely the most adorable house ever. So excited and thrilled for you both xxx

    1. Ha! I find that one really hard to explain to Americans!!! :-)
