Tuesday, December 10, 2013

DIY - Vintage Trunk Litter Box

Ever since our dog Bear passed in the summer, our cat Fat Tony has been a little lost. They were such buds. I know FT had a buddy at his previous foster home and given he's been very isolated in the new house, we decided to take advantage of Black (Cat) Friday at the Seattle Humane Society and rescue him a friend! Taking our number of pets up to 4 (and rescues this year alone up to 3 - Bear, Panda and Sheba)! Thankfully FT and Sheba are getting on brilliantly. 

FT being a good big brother and watching out for any dogs coming near Sheba

The addition of our new family member reminded me just how much I hate cat litter boxes. I have tried everything. I have tried the traditional ones, the ones that have an opening on the top, the self cleaning ones. There are always a few problems - 1) the dogs love to eat cat litter so I have to be strategic in the placement, 2) the cats tread litter everywhere, even with the presence of a mat and 3) they are just ugly. 

I do not claim to have found a solution to numbers 1 and 2 but I have definitely found the solution to number 3!

After googling "best cat litter box solutions" and coming across a brilliant Buzzfeed article, I was inspired to create my own version. 

I took myself immediately after work to my new favorite place, Second Use, and purchased myself a vintage trunk for $75. I'm sure I could have look on Craigslist for cheaper ones but I was so excited about my idea I wanted to purchase a trunk immediately! 

Paul and I then went down to our new basement and used our new tools for the first time to create some proud upcycling that I'm delighted with! 

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