Tuesday, December 10, 2013

DIY - Putting a Gym into the Basement

In our old apartment, Paul and I used to have a gym in the building. I of course never used it. Paul was full of hope that we would join a gym near our new house and go all the time. I knew that anything that involved getting in the car would definitely never happen. 

So instead of spending $300 each on a gym membership, I decided we should update our basement area to create a home gym! I spent a few hours researching on Amazon for some exercise equipment because I'm obsessed/addicted to Amazon and they have free shipping. Paul mentioned that Amazon is probably building the shipping into the pricing for heavy items like exercise weights so I went and checked Walmart - and they were cheaper for 80% of the items! And had free shipping! So I went a *little* mad - I'll put a list below.

Next, I knew I had to create a space I wanted to work out in! The basement was very bare, stark and cold. I definitely wouldn't want to go down there at 6am in the morning when my warm bed is waaayy nicer! So I of course got on Pinterest for some inspiration. I read somewhere random that having a color that looked like the sky can be motivating because "it makes you reach for the sky, for your dreams". It sounds so corny! But I decided, what the hell, no harm in buying into the motivation BS when trying to pick a color! Off I took myself to Benjamin Moore and got a lovely color. 

Then Paul and I had the fun job of painting! It only took us about an hour to do it together on a Saturday afternoon. And we quickly put in our new equipment and were ready to go. I also put our spare TV down there with my ROKU as we'd agreed no TV in the bedroom in this house. It means I've been able to watch Scandal as I work out! 

Pictures of before and after below:

To this...

...from this!

I purchased:

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