Tuesday, December 10, 2013

DIY - Wedding Place Cards

So I love the idea of hand stamping spoons! But the idea is so much harder than the reality. I swear that I spent two hours digging through the spoon box at Goodwill one evening trying to find spoons that weren't sterling silver (at it's very hard to dent!). I came home all excited and waited for my esty ordered stamps to arrive so I could begin my wonderful personalized spoons place card idea. Eh...not so much.

Firstly, if you want to do any sort of letter stamping on metal, you need a block. Secondly, no matter how awesome the videos on youtube are, stamping spoons is hard and just not that rewarding.

So I got myself a block and used my normal hammer (I bought a rubber one but don't think it's worth it!) on some bronze tags I purchased on Etsy (hint, the shop is awesome - if you want to order different/custom sizes they can. I wish I had! But am 100% making do with the sizes I ordered) and the stamping kit I purchased

Here's the results of my first few tags:

My words of wisdom:
1) the I and the L letter are constantly splitting my tags! :-( So be careful about their positioning and also how hard you hammer them
2) Get bigger tags than I did! These are tiny but wonderful
3) Do your family's names first as you don't mind as much if you mess them up!
4) If you want to make key rings, punch the hole first before you do any stamping
5) Learn the idiosyncrasies of the letters in your stamping set - my A is super high so I have to position it lower than other letters
6) Use a sharpie to make dots for each letter you're about to stamp - I ran out of space doing Brendan for my dad's tag so handily converted it to Brent for Paul's dad!

My plan is to attach the personalized name tags to antique keys that I also purchased on Esty:

ON SALE Keys to the Kingdom - Skeleton Keys - 75 x Vintage Keys Antique Bronze Brass Skeleton Key Skeleton Keys Set

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